Task:3 Write Conditional Sentences Type II
1. They can't go with me because my car is broken.
2. I can't join the basketball team because I'm not tall enough.
3. I want to meet my best singer to tell him how much I like his singing.
4. Joanna will not eat this cake because she doesn't like strawberries.
5. Tracy doesn't have breakfast, so she is always hungry.

Alieta Alieta    3   13.05.2021 08:37    0

amitas amitas  12.06.2021 08:40


If my car didn't brake they could go with me

If i was tall enough i could join the basketball team

if i met my best singer i would tell him hoe much i like his singing

If Joana liked strawberries she would eat this cake

If Tracy had a breakfast she wouldn't be always hungry

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