Task 3. Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive. Translate them.
1 They punished this man for something he hadn’t done.
2. Everyone knows this piece of music quite well.
3. Did the government take any important measures in the past few weeks?
4. Do they perform this play regularly?
5. I don’t think anyone can help me.
6. The soldiers kept the man prisoner.
7. What should people do in these circumstances?
8. They built this tunnel two years ago.
9. He must finish his work before eight o’clock.
10. His friends will never forget him.
11. No one could possibly have recognized him.
12. The news didn’t surprise us, so it didn’t frighten us.
13. Somebody has stolen my car.
14. Somebody has left the light for all night.
15. Nobody has ever found the secret.

Task 4. What Ukrainian sentences corresponds to English ?
a) The works by Tsiolkovsky are often referred to ?
1) Ціолковський часто посилається на ці роботи.
2) На роботи Ціолковського часто посилаються.

b) This book is often referred to by our teacher.
1) Ось книга на яку посилається ваш викладач.
2) Наш викладач часто посилається на цю книгу.
3) Викладач послався на цю книгу.

c) The report was followed by a discussion ?
1) Доповідь відбулася після дискусії.
2) Дискусія відбулася після доповіді.

d) His ideas were influenced by an experiment ?
1) Його ідеї вплинули на експеримент.
2) Експеримент вплинув на його ідеї.

Ангелина75645674 Ангелина75645674    2   06.05.2020 18:44    4

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