Task 3. Grammar task. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense and then identify
the conditionals.
1. If you drop your phone, it (break)
2. If Jake had a smart phone, he
(connect) to the Internet.
3. When you unplug the TV, it
(turn off)
4. If I
(know) this computer game was so boring, I wouldn't have bought it.
5. If
(have) more money, I'd buy a transparent TV.
6. Unless you
. (finish) your homework by 6:00, you can't go on the computer.
7. When you throw a basketball through the hoop, your team (score) points.
8. If I were you, I (buy) tickets for the match tomorrow.

vikabelaua114 vikabelaua114    3   19.05.2020 08:02    4

idjrglkuahregklha idjrglkuahregklha  14.10.2020 23:32

1. it will break

2. would connect

3. will turn off

4. knew,


6. finish

7. will score

8. would buy

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