Task 3. Complete the sentences. Use Past Simple and Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Заполните предложения. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple и Past Continuous.

1. Newton …..(make) a great discovery while he ….(sit) under an apple tree.

2. When I …..(open) the window I was happy to see that it….(snow).

3. Victor….(visit) a lot of museums while he….(stay) in France.

4. Jane …(play) the piano when the phone….(ring).

5. Simon …(see) a fox while he ….(wait) for the taxi.

6. Ann….(write) a letter at 6 p.m. yesterday.

7. It …(not rain) last Sunday.

8. Lucy ….(iron) clothes from 4 to 6 o’clock.

9. We….(not invite) them to our party.

10. ….Sara (water) the flowers?

Task 3. Complete the sentences. Use Past Simple and Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. З

SoniaSor SoniaSor    2   12.03.2021 19:43    0

vovan8881 vovan8881  11.04.2021 19:43

1 - made, was sitting

2 - opened, was snowing

3 - visited, was staying

4 - was playing, rang

5 - saw, was waiting

6 - was writing

7 - didn't rain

8 - was ironing

9 - didn't invite

10 - Did Sara water


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