Task 3 Choose the correct word: Выбери правильное слово 9)My sister is helping/ helps our mum now.
10) Where is Grace? She writes/ is writing an essay for the competition at this moment.
11) Lisa can/should study harder if she wants to pass her exams.
12)People may/must wear their seat bells when driving.
13) Boy can/ could read fast when he was three.
14) Our neighbors have a/the garden. 15) A/The garden is small, but it is beautiful.

nasyapest nasyapest    1   04.03.2021 12:10    1

kegemov kegemov  03.04.2021 12:12

9.)Helping 10.) is writing 11.)Can 12.) may 13.)could 14.)a. 15.)The


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