Task 2. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Robert who writes
(Вы получили письмо от своего англо говорящего друга по переписке Роберта, который пишет... )

Air pollution is an environmental issue that negatively affects the ecosystem. Humans are wired to think about what happens to them in the current time and very few tend to think about the future. As industries, agro farms and human activity continue to contribute to air pollution, people are not affected immediately and therefore do not participate in control and prevention programs. Air is one of the most valuable gift from Mother Earth because all animate and inanimate objects on earth depend on it for survival. Without air, animals and humans would not have the privilege to breathe and plants would not have air exchange processes.
Вот Перевод-
Загрязнение воздуха - это экологическая проблема, негативно влияющая на экосистему. Люди запрограммированы думать о том, что происходит с ними в настоящее время, и очень немногие склонны думать о будущем. Поскольку промышленность, агрофермы и человеческая деятельность продолжают вносить свой вклад в загрязнение воздуха, люди не подвергаются немедленному воздействию и поэтому не участвуют в программах контроля и предотвращения. Воздух - один из самых ценных подарков Матери-Земли, потому что от него зависит выживание всех живых и неодушевленных объектов на Земле. Без воздуха животные и люди не имели бы возможности дышать, а растения не имели бы процессов воздухообмена.

1)Write a letter to Robert.
Напишите письмо Роберту.

2) In your letter write about water pollution in your country.
В письме напишите о загрязнении воды в вашей стране.

3)Write 6 sentences.
Напишите 6 предложений.

4)Remember the rules of letter writing.
Помните правила написания писем.

Task 2. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Robert who writes(Вы получи

КристинаКупава КристинаКупава    2   08.12.2020 20:44    1

Reshauvce Reshauvce  07.01.2021 20:45

Hello Robert

Water is a liquid chemical substance which is vital for life. We use water for many purposes and we can’t do without it. We drink water, wash everything with it and produce many goods on the base of water.

In addition, other inhabitants of our planet need it not less than we do. Animals and plants drink it as well and some of them also live in water. So water is essential for the whole planet.

See yo soon...

slavi4ka slavi4ka  07.01.2021 20:45

Hi, Robert. Nowadays, garbage is often thrown into rivers and lakes . They pour out toxic waste plants took the river as a cooler and soon our lake will turn into a swamp. But my friends and I are trying to fix it and help our lake. We remove garbage from the water and on the shore, if not us. Who will do it for us. we're ruining our own home ,and we have to take care of it. We had a nice chat before we met .


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