Task 2. Write affirmative (✓) and negative (x) present continuous sentences. 1. She / watch / TV
2. I / feed / the ducks
3. we / get up / early
Task 3. Present Simple.
1. you / look for / your mobile?

2. she / feed / her parent`s goldfish?

3. he / walk / his dog?

nastya200302033 nastya200302033    1   02.12.2020 21:49    1

Маргоритка2009 Маргоритка2009  01.01.2021 21:50
1.She isn’t watching TV
2.I’m not feed the ducks
3. We are getting up early

1.Do you look for your mobile phone?
2.Does she feed her parents goldfish?
3. Does he walk with his dog?
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