Task 2. Respond to the following situations. Use the first or second conditional sentences.
1. My sister is ill. She won't go out.
If my sister wasn't ill, she ..
2. I won't cook for you. I'll be busy at the weekend.
I won't cook for you if I busy at the weekend.
Won't he drink anything? He'll be thirsty.
If he
anything, he'll be thirsty.
4. I don't have a driving licence. I can't drive you there.
IFI a driving licence, I could drive you there.
5. We'll go to the beach. The weather will be sunny.
We'll go to the beach on condition that the weather smny.
6. I feel so tired because I don't sleep well.
I so tired if I slept well.
7. I don't know how to do it. I can't help you.
I could help you provided I how to do it.
8. Try this meal. You will like it.
If you this meal, you will like it.
9. Marion is much older than me. I won't marry her.
If Marion
much older, I'd
10. I'll give you this map. You won't get lost.
I'll give you this map in case you lost
marry her.
ответ жок болса жазбандар а то бан

кёрс23 кёрс23    3   29.04.2021 05:57    39

ПЕДРО12 ПЕДРО12  26.01.2024 13:54
1. If my sister wasn't ill, she would go out.
Explanation: The first conditional is used here because there is a possibility that my sister's illness will improve and she will be able to go out.

2. I won't cook for you if I am busy at the weekend.
Explanation: The first conditional is used here because there is a possibility that I will be busy at the weekend and therefore won't be able to cook.

3. If he doesn't drink anything, he'll be thirsty.
Explanation: The first conditional is used here because it is a general statement about the consequences of not drinking anything.

4. If I had a driving licence, I could drive you there.
Explanation: The second conditional is used here because having a driving licence is a hypothetical situation that would allow me to drive the person.

5. We'll go to the beach on condition that the weather is sunny.
Explanation: The first conditional is used here because the weather being sunny is a condition that needs to be met for us to go to the beach.

6. I would feel so tired if I slept well.
Explanation: The second conditional is used here because the person is talking about a hypothetical situation where they would feel tired if they slept well.

7. I could help you provided I knew how to do it.
Explanation: The second conditional is used here because the person is talking about a hypothetical situation where they would be able to help if they knew how to do it.

8. If you try this meal, you will like it.
Explanation: The first conditional is used here because trying the meal is a condition that will lead to the person liking it.

9. If Marion wasn't much older, I would marry her.
Explanation: The second conditional is used here because Marion being much older is a hypothetical situation that would affect the person's decision to marry her.

10. I'll give you this map in case you get lost.
Explanation: The first conditional is used here because getting lost is a potential situation that the person wants to prevent by giving the map.
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