Task 2. Part 1. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple Passive form of the verb in brackets.
Дополни предложения формой глагола в Страдательном Залоге времени.
1. The earthquake (ruin) a lot of villages. [1]
2. The World Wide Web (not develop) until 1990s.
3. Many houses (burn) by the Great Fire in London.
Part 2. Complete the text. Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Дополни текст глаголами в форме Простого времени или длительного времени.
1. A group of hikers (have) a close escape when they (hike) in the mountains last Friday. [1]
2. “At around midnight, I (look) at the stars when suddenly I (see) a bright light in the sky. [1]
3. I (not know), the others (sleep) in their tents. [1]
4. I woke them up and we all (run) to our car and (drive) away as fast as possible,” said Rob, one of the hikers. [1]

Task 2. Part 1. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple Passive form of the verb in brackets. До

Alecsei278Z Alecsei278Z    2   10.03.2021 14:36    0

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