Task 2: Do the crossword puzzle. 1: d -l - c - - - s
2: - r - -t
3: e - c -t - n-
4: f - n -
5: w - - d - - f - l
6: - o - - i - - e

1. This pizza is very ……………… .
2. That’s idea is ………… .
3. I love windsurfing. It’s ………… .
4. The weather is ……… .
5. You have ………. paintings on the wall!
6. The food is …….. at this restaurant.

Task 3: Circle the odd word out.

1. Pop concert, reality show, pocket money, thriller
2. Boring, fantastic, disgusting, chicken
3. Dull, always, usually, often
4. Windsurfing, basketball, football, drama

Task 4 : Put the words in the correct order and write full sentences.

1. Sundays/ meet/ on/ I/ friends/ usually/ my.
2. cook/ they/ the/ on/ dinner/ campfire.
3. always/ a/ she/ has/ shower/ the/ in/ morning.
4. frogs/ does/ Harry/ for/ eat/ lunch?
5. do/ what/ you/ time/ up/ wake/ morning/every?

Task 5: Form questions. Then, answer them.

1. Mary/ take/ the dog/ for a walk/ in the evenings?
2. Peter/ buy/a morning newspaper/ every day?
3. you/come / to every lesson?
4. they/ go/ to the seaside/ every summer?
5. you/ go shopping/ on Saturday mornings?
6. Peter/ play/ the piano/very well?
7. dogs/ like/ cats?

Task 6: Use the sentences to complete the dialogue.

1. That’s a great idea!
2. Well, it’s not really my thing.
3. I think so. Why?
4. About 10 o’clock in the morning.
5. Cool! Count me in!

a. Do you want to watch sitcom with me?
b. How about pizza for dinner?
c. Hi David. Are you free tonight?
d. What about football then?

antiangel18 antiangel18    2   28.11.2020 17:07    2

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