Task 2. complete the sentences with the present perfect or present perfect continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 sheila (go) to the bazaar. she'll be back in an hour. 2 you look sweaty! (you/work) out? 3 how much (helen/spend) on her english books? 4 the house smells wonderful! (mum/bake) a cake? 5 how long (tom/save) to buy a new pc? 6 robin (never/be) abroad. 7 he (work) very hard recently. he needs some time off. 8 we (not/buy) all our christmas presents yet. 9 joy (clean) the house since 9 o'clock. can you give her a hand? 10 (you/ever/eat) thai food?

panda044 panda044    2   15.06.2019 09:00    12

Raydi1337 Raydi1337  12.07.2020 15:02
1 Sheila (has gone) to the bazaar. She'll be back in an hour.
2 You look sweaty! (Have you been working) out?
3 How much (has Helen spent) on her English books?
4 The house smells wonderful! (Has Mum baked) a cake?
5 How long (has Tom been saving) to buy a new PC?
6 Robin (has never been) abroad.
7 He (has worked) very hard recently. He needs some time off.
8 We (have not bought) all our Christmas presents yet.
9 Joy (has been cleaning) the house since 9 o'clock. Can you give her a hand?
10 (Have you ever eaten) Thai food?
duplo214 duplo214  12.07.2020 15:02
Has gone Have you worken Has helen spent Has mum baken Has never been Has worken Have not bought Has clean Have you ever eaten Как то так
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