Task 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the WORD given unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Eg.: 0 –for the heavy rain 0. They didn't go on a picnic because it was raining heavily. – RAIN - But … … … … they would have gone on a picnic.
1. Although the police suspected him, they didn't arrest him. - SUSPICIOUS – Despite … … … … the police didn’t arrest him.
2. However busy she is, she always makes time for exercise. – MATTER - She always makes time for exercise, … … … … she is.
3. There was so much traffic on the road that I was an hour late. – LOT - There was … … … … … on the road that I was an hour late.
4. The operation was cancelled because it was considered risky. – DUE - The operation was cancelled … … … … involved.
5. The puzzle was not easy enough for them to do. – SO - The puzzle … … … … … couldn’t do it.
6. He wants to buy a new computer, so he is saving up. – AIM - He is saving up … … … … … a new computer.
7. He braked suddenly to avoid hitting the old man. –AS - He braked suddenly … … … … … the old man.
8. He is proud of his work, but he is not arrogant. – PRIDE - Even … … … … … his work, he is not arrogant.
9. That accident was so frightful that I'll never forget it. - SUCH - It was … … … … that I'll never forget it.
10. He uses two alarm clocks in order not to wake up late. – THAT - He uses two alarm clocks … … … … not wake up late.

guyfdfff55 guyfdfff55    3   26.11.2020 16:50    24

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