Task 2. Choose the right answer A, B, C or D. Example: 0.What day does the flight take place? A) on Friday B) on Monday C) on Sunday D) on Tuesday 1. What is the man's destination? A) Rome, Italy B) Barcelona, Spain C) Paris, France D) Madrid, Spain 2. When is the man's arrival date? A) the first of May B) the second of March C) the twenty-third of May D) the third of May 3. Where did he stay? A) at the hostel in the center B) at the hotel in the suburb C) rent a flat D) near the city 4. What company did he fly with? A) Madrid airlines B) Delta C) Airlines D) Standard airlines 5) What request did the man make regarding his flight? A) He asked for a specially-prepared dinner. B) He wanted an aisle seat. C) He requested a bassinet for his friend. D) He asked for a seat near the front of the plane. 6) Who did he go with? A) alone B) with his family C) with his friends D) with his close friend 7) What did he like best? A) service B) sights of Madrid C) La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona D) sights of Gaudi in Madrid

Task 2. Choose the right answer A, B, C or D. Example: 0.What day does the flight take place? A) on

kristina160225 kristina160225    1   07.12.2020 13:58    5

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