Task 1
Запишите в косвенной речи:
1. I am very tired.
2. You play the piano very well.
3. Can you give us a hand?
4. We;re leaving the town.
5. He hasn;t shaved.
6. Your parents have had an accident.
7. I left home at seventeen.
8. Don;t worry! He won;t say anything to the police.
9. None of our relatives will come.
10. This parcel has been opened at the customs.
Task II.
.Раскройте скобки, употреблял глаголы в Present Perfect, Past
Simple, Past Continuous или Past Perfect:

1. She is very happy: her son (to finish) school. 2. My brother (to train)
at the stadium from six till eight yesterday. 3. My sister (to buy) a pair of
nice model shoes this month. 4. I (not to dance) for ages. 5. When Nick
(to come) from school, his friends (to play) in the yard. 6. When your
sister (to go) to London?

polinamypp polinamypp    3   04.05.2020 13:38    29

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