Task 1. Use Future Continuous or Future Simple to open the brackets 1. I ... (send) you a postcard from Spain.
2. She ... (stay) at Sunrise Hotel if you need her.
3. Miss Richards ... (attend) a lecture from 2 till 5 p.m. today.
4. We ... (wash) those dirty dishes when we come home from work.
5. I know that Jerry ... (stand) on the platform and ... (wave) his hand when our train arrives.
6. Your dress ... (be) ready in half an hour.
7. The New Year ... (start) at midnight.
8. He ... (not return) to that island anymore.
9. Sandra ... (enjoy) her vacation in a ski-resort at this time next year.
10. I ... (not work) in the library tomorrow evening.
Task 2. Write sentences using the verb in the correct form
1. Sue/to do/homework/at 5 o’clock/tomorrow.
2. We/to sunbathe/from 9 to 12 o’clock/tomorrow morning.
3. Nick and Jack/to drive/to Berlin/at this time/next Monday.
4. You/to have/a conference/from 3 to 5 o’clock/tomorrow.
5. My cousin/ to practise/in the gym/at 7 o’clock/tomorrow evening.
6. Nelly and Diana/to rest/in Hawaii/at this time/next week.
7. We/to dance/at the party/all the evening/tomorrow.
8. Kate/to visit/ her grandparents/all day/next Saturday.
9. They/to prepare/ to the wedding party/all next week.
10. I/to travel/around Canada/for two weeks/next month.

Task 3. Put the verbs in the brackets in Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. I English exercises twice a week. (to write)
2. My friend his homework in the afternoon as a rule. (to do)
3. My sister her homework now. (to do)
4. Don’t shout! The baby . (to sleep)
5. The baby always after dinner. (to sleep)
6. What you now? (to read)
7. What books youfor your literature lessons? (to read)
8. What your mother usually for lunch? (to cook)
9. she a cake now? (to cook)
10. — (You, to see) that man over there? — Which man? The man in the brown jacket? — No, I (to talk) about the man who (to wear) the blue shirt. — Oh, that man!— (You, to know) him? — No, I ( not to think) so. — I (to know, not) him either.
Task 4. Use the verbs in brackets in Present Continuous или Present Simple.
1. My wife normally (work) at home, but she (spend) this month in Italy.
2. Most days, Tom usually (cycle) to work.
3. When the lesson (start) today?
4. What’s your brother doing? He (do) the crossword in the newspaper He (do) it every day.
5. I’m afraid I’ll lose this game of chess. I (play) very badly. I usually much better (play).
6. What’s she doing? — She (mend) her husband’s socks. She always them. (mend)
7. Yes, you can borrow my dictionary. I (use) it a lot, but I (not / use) it now.
8. We (not travel) by train very often.
9. She (be) particularly generous this week.
10. It (snow) right now. It’s beautiful! I (like) this weather.
Task 5. Use the verbs in Present Continuous or Present Simple
1. The river (flow) very fast today — faster than usual.
2. You (always to complain) that waiters are rude!
3. I (walk) to school every day. I (take, not) the bus.
4. You (always to borrow) money!
5. That’s worrying because the number of people without job (increase).
6. Robert is a vegetarian. He (eat, not) meat.
7. (you, cook) your own dinner every day?
8. Holidays abroad (become) increasingly popular.
9. Are you in a hurry? — No, I (walk) quickly because I’m cold.
10. Where’s your father? — He (be) in the bathroom. He (shave).
11. The neighbours forever (slam) doors and (shout) during the night.
12. My sister (to take) part in the competitions almost every weekend.

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