Task 1.unscramble jumbled sport words. guess the word from its meaning. 1. the medieval war art that became a kind of sport – cyharer 2. a designated area of land or water for racing, golf, or other sports –euscor 3. it is someone whose job is to make sure that players obey the rules in some sports – meurip 4. for such a person sport is done for pleasure instead of as a job – euratam 5. it helps a referee to control a game – swelhit task 2. do you know what synonyms are? synonyms are different words that have the same or similar meaning. for example, big and large are synonyms. replace the word in bold with a suitable synonym a, b or c 1. he was so immersed in his thoughts that he did not notice anything around him. a) dipped b) absorbed c) submerge 2. we should strive to make this world better, to improve our live, and to be wiser and kinder. a) endeavor b) look forward c) crave 3. at that moment his words had seemed vague to us, their implication became clear much later. a) significance b) indication c) emphasis 4. surprise mingled with joy was expressed on his tired face. a) integrated b) united c) mixed 5. it is alleged that the nsa tracked millions of phone calls, texts and emails from spanish citizens. a) stated b) rendered c) supposed 6. in that classical style living-room i noticed one incongruous detail. it was an old african mask. a) unattractive b) discordant c) inessential 7. the idea was quite original, but the manager seemed reluctant to accept it. a) indifferent b) inclined c) loath 8. this application lets you create amazing intricate patterns very quickly. a) extravagant b) elaborate c) flamboyant 9. his comments about global warming drew the ire of environmentalists. a) anger b) displeasure c) annoyance 10. the prime minister prefers to give businesses financial incentives to adopt green technology if they choose to. a) inducements b) rewards c) baits task 3. do you know what homophones are? homophones are words that have the same pronunciation, but different spelling and different meanings. choose the correct word. example: please, pass me some (bred, bread). 1. helen noticed the look of (awe, oar, or, ore) on the little boy’s face. 2. he is the best at tennis, nobody can (beat, beet) him. 3. don’t be afraid, the dog won’t (byte, bight, bite). 4. you should (great, grate) cheese before cooking. 5. the teacher was very pleased with your singing and he paid you a (compliment, complement). 6. before i start my story let me (sight, site, cite) a fragment from this book. 7. the doctor says i have a (saw, soar, sore) throat. 8. pies are made of (doh, dough, doe). 9. it’s not polite to (stair, stare). 10. he is a believer and (praise, prays, preys) every morning. 11. according to the (calendar, calender) march is a spring month. 12. what would you like for (dessert, desert)? 13. tell me the truth, don’t (lye, lie). 14. who’s going to (peal, peel) potatoes? 15. we saw a huge (wale, wail, whale) in the sea. 16. i recommend you this spicy (sauce, source). 17. i bought this pen at the (stationery, stationary). 18. you look (pail, pale). are you all right? 19. i don’t eat (mete, meet, meat). i’m a vegetarian. 20. something is wrong with the left (tyre, tire). let’s stop and check it. task 4. there are several idioms and proverbs in english. how well do you know them? answer the questions choosing a, b, c or d 1. complete the proverb: what can’t be cured must a. forgotten b. endured c. cut out d. deleted 2. fill in the gap: when comes in at the door, love flies out of the window. a. misfortune b. evil c. poverty d. need 3. when we say that someone is “a chip off the old block” it means that someone: a. is similar in character to their father or mother b. is old and silly c. is unlike their father or mother d. inherits the family business 4. when we say that someone has “butterflies in one's stomach” it means that someone: a. has eaten something unhealthy b. feels very nervous c. is very hungry d. has laughed a lot task 5. so many countries so many proverbs. read french, spanish, german and russian proverbs and write their english equivalent with the same meaning. 1. французский: вкусы и цвета не . : всем людям угодить — искусство, которое никому не под силу. : о вкусах не спорят. : 2. французский: капля за каплей вода выдалбливает камень. : маленькие насечки валят большой дуб. : вода камень точит. : 3. французский: наполовину фига, наполовину виноград. : это не годится ни для варки, ни для жарки. : ни богу свечка, ни черту кочерга. : 4. французский: хорошее начало – половина работы. : хорошо начатое наполовину выиграно. : доброе начало полдела откачало. :

2o2o 2o2o    1   29.05.2019 05:20    0

ЛизаХлеб ЛизаХлеб  27.06.2020 11:53
French, Spanish, German and Russian proverbs and write their English
equivalent with the same meaning.
1.Tastes and colors are not discussed.
Please all people - an art thatnobody can.
Tastes differ.
2.Drop by drop, water cavesstone.
Small incisions felled a large oak tree.
Water wears away the stone
3.Half a fig, half grape.
It will not do any cooking or frying.
Neither God candle, no poker for the devil.
4.French:Good start - half of the work.
German:Well begun is half won.
Russian:A good beginning is half done.
2-"Немного воды моря, чтобы муравей" 
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