Task 1. Say if the statements are True, False or not mentioned. [4] 1. Mellish school is in the slums of Mexico. T F NM

2. Most children have problems at home. T F NM

3. Mellish a problem school. T F NM

4. The principal of the has 5 children in his family. T F NM

Task 2. Expand the parentheses using the Future Perfect Continuous verb. [4]

1. By next week the group (shoot) their clip for twenty days.

2. By Easter Sandy and Malory (work) together for 7 years.

3. In some minutes, Fred (wait) for 2 hours already.

4. We’ll be halfway through our swim in an hour so we (swim) non-stop for 48 hours.

Task 4. Write an essay on the topic «What is Benefits of travelling» Using 50-70 words (observe structure and paragraphs) [3]​

vovakornev2002 vovakornev2002    1   19.05.2021 13:01    292

kiryanovavichk kiryanovavichk  12.01.2024 04:57
Task 1. Say if the statements are True, False or not mentioned.

1. Mellish school is in the slums of Mexico.
Answer: False. The statement says that Mellish school is in the slums of Mexico. However, it doesn't mention anything about the location of Mellish school. Therefore, the answer is not mentioned (NM).

2. Most children have problems at home.
Answer: Not mentioned (NM). The statement doesn't provide any information about the problems children have at home, so we cannot determine if it is true or false.

3. Mellish is a problem school.
Answer: True. The statement directly says that Mellish is a problem school. Therefore, the answer is true (T).

4. The principal of the school has 5 children in his family.
Answer: Not mentioned (NM). The statement doesn't give any information about the principal's family, so we cannot determine if it is true or false.

Task 2. Expand the parentheses using the Future Perfect Continuous verb.

1. By next week the group (shoot) their clip for twenty days.
Answer: By next week, the group will have been shooting their clip for twenty days.

2. By Easter Sandy and Malory (work) together for 7 years.
Answer: By Easter, Sandy and Malory will have been working together for 7 years.

3. In some minutes, Fred (wait) for 2 hours already.
Answer: In some minutes, Fred will have been waiting for 2 hours already.

4. We'll be halfway through our swim in an hour so we (swim) non-stop for 48 hours.
Answer: We'll be halfway through our swim in an hour so we will have been swimming non-stop for 48 hours.

Task 4. Write an essay on the topic "What are the Benefits of traveling" using 50-70 words (observe structure and paragraphs)

Traveling is an enriching experience that offers numerous benefits. From expanding our horizons to gaining cultural understanding, it opens up new opportunities for personal growth.

Body paragraph 1:
One of the biggest benefits of traveling is the opportunity to learn about different cultures. Experiencing new customs, trying local cuisine, and interacting with diverse communities enhances our knowledge and broadens our perspectives. This cultural immersion fosters tolerance and appreciation for the differences that exist among people.

Body paragraph 2:
Traveling also helps develop important life skills. It encourages independence, problem-solving, and adaptability. Navigating unfamiliar places, dealing with unexpected situations, and interacting with locals all contribute to personal growth and self-confidence.

Body paragraph 3:
In addition to personal growth, traveling can also have a positive impact on one's mental health. It provides a break from routine and allows individuals to recharge and rejuvenate. Immersing oneself in nature or exploring historical landmarks can bring a sense of peace and tranquility, reducing stress and improving overall well-being.

In conclusion, traveling offers a multitude of benefits. It promotes cultural understanding, develops important life skills, and contributes to mental well-being. It is an invaluable experience that should be embraced and cherished. So, pack your bags and embark on a journey of discovery and personal growth.
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