Task 1. Read the text.

Sam and Tom saw a strange spacecraft.
They went inside the spacecraft and flew into space. When they landed on Mars and saw an alien sportscompetition. Sam and Tom went to the stadium. There
were alien Olympics!
Tom and Sam decided to compete with the aliens. Tom became a runner and Sam became a swimmer. Tom and Samwon gold, silver and bronze medals for running and swimming.
The first Alien-Human Olympic Games were a big success. Tom and Sam had a wonderful time on the planet. They got back into the spacecraft and blasted off. It took them eight hours to gethome.

Circle 5 sentences relevant to the text. Thereare 3 EXTRAsentences.
(найди и обведи 5 предложений относящиеся к тексту)

1. Tom and Sam wentswimming.
2. The spacecraft wasstrange.
3. They flew toMercury.
4. Tom and Sam took part in AlienOlympics.
5. Tom and Sam wonmedals.
6. They gotpresents.
7. The time on the planet wasfun.
8. They flew backhome.


Task 2. Choose ONE object. Write 6 sentences about it. Use the picture and questions to write a paragraph.
(выбери один предмет и напиши 6 предложений)

1. 2. 3.

1. What isthis?
2. Is it new orold?
3. What do you use it for?
4. Is it fast orslow?
5. How often do you useit?
6. What do you think aboutit?

superscholnik1772 superscholnik1772    3   20.05.2020 18:21    15

Luikas45676345 Luikas45676345  15.10.2020 03:04

задание 1






задание 2

1. This is a pen

2. No

3. To learn to write

4. Montrea how to write

5. Almost every day

6. This is a useful item.


даже не знаю как обяснить, извини просто ето же не математика

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