Task 1. Read the text "Ide wecks in the life of a volunteer in Goa and mark the
sentences true (T) or false (F)
This week, eighteen-year-old Laura Byme tells us about her year ou
Four per cent of the children in India are orphans which means they don't have any
parents. And for the next twelve weeks, I'm helping in an orphanage, a home for
orphans, in Goa, India
When I amived two weeks ago, the project manager was waiting for me at the
airport. For the first week, we had Hindi classes. We also leamed about Indians
culture and our project
I'm working with the younger children. A lot of them had difficult lives before they
came here so we have to make sure that they feel safe and happy with us. In the
moming. I help with English classes, reading and Maths. We also play games and
sing songs. Then I help them with their lunch which is usually chicken or vegetable
curry with rice and chapatti, a flatbread from India
It's very hot here so people wear loose clothes. Women often wear colourful souris
made of silk or cotton and men weur dhotis, a kind of long white skin. This
attemoon the older girls are going to show me how to put on a sin
1. Five percent of the children in India are orphans,
2. Launa arrived three weeks ago in India,
3. Laura learn Hindi dasses when she first got there,
4. Laura is going to put on a sari for the afternoon.
5. Laura works with younger children,

Task 1. Read the text Ide wecks in the life of a volunteer in Goa and mark thesentences true (T) or

Takyshika Takyshika    1   17.03.2021 09:11    3

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