Task 1. read the text and make it complete with the word combinations (a-f). match the word combinations with the gaps (1-6). hi! my name is denis. i live in moscow. last august we went to adler – a small town ( it ( of our country. adler is not so famous as sochi but it has a very good airport and it is certainly one of the favourite places in russia to spend holidays. the town of adler is situated at the black sea. it has green streets and comfortable hotels. its people are nice and friendly. we stayed ( near the sea and went swimming and boating every day. we played volleyball and had fun too. we always (4) a small café near the hotel. the food there was always (5) in the evening we went to the cinema or watched video films. we had a very good time in adler. i’d like (6) a) had dinner at b) at a small hotel c) is situated in the south d) to go to there again e) fresh and tasty f) near sochi task 2. choose the right forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. 1. i (watched / was watching) the film when my parents (came / were coming) in. 2. she (had / was having) tea at 5 o’clock yesterday. 3. when the storm (began / was beginning) polly (left / was leaving) the theatre. 4. while bob (drove / was driving) home, it (snowed / was snowing) hard. 5. she (played / was playing) the piano while he (did / was doing) the flat. 6. betsy (walked / was walking) the dog while it (rained / was raining). 7. when alec (ran / was running) along the street, he (saw / was seeing) his neighbour. 8. my grandparents (worked / were working) in the garden at 4 o’clock yesterday.

Баэхич Баэхич    3   02.09.2019 14:40    6

boikov2o boikov2o  06.10.2020 12:30
А где слова к task 1?

2. was watching  
was leaving
was driving
was snowing
was playing
was doing
was walking
was raining
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