Task 1. Read the text and choose the correct word 1-6 for each space. Living the dream?
Who needs money? Well, most of us think we all do, but an Irishman 0) … Mark Boyle says that money is one of the 1) … reasons the Earth is in the sad condition that it is today.
A little over a year ago, Mark Boyle was like most other young people. He was 2) … university studying to get a degree that would lead to a good job and lots of money. Believe it or not, it was a video 3) … taught him a lesson that turned his life around-and upside down!
What the video taught Mark was that he had to become ‘the change that he wanted to see’. The change in Mark’s case involved helping the environment. To do that, Mark felt that he had to give up money, his flat.
He moved 4) … a caravan with no electricity or running water. He began growing his own food, or getting it from bins. He also cycled wherever he had to go, even when he had to travel into city 34 miles away.
5) … the many challenges, Mark is enjoying his new life and he has learned a great deal. He now believes that if people had to grow their own food, they wouldn’t throw away a third of it. He feels the same goes for water – if we had to actually clean it ourselves, we wouldn’t pollute so much of it.
A year 6) … passed since Mark made his big decision. However it doesn’t appear as though Mark is about to give up his eco-friendly lifestyle any time soon. Perhaps he is giving a lesson that we all should learn.
a)     called
b)     that
c)     has
d)     despite
a)     has
b)     main
c)     that
d)     also
a)     into
b)     at
c)     has
d)     in
a)     who
b)     has
c)     that
d)     where
a)     called
b)     that
c)     on
d)     into
a)     despite
b)     that
c)     has
d)     with
a)     who
b)     has
c)     then
d)     later

тса2 тса2    2   28.01.2021 07:55    11

Roblox2017 Roblox2017  27.02.2021 07:59

0 - a) called

1 - b) main

2 - b) at

3 - c) that

4 - d) into

5 - a) despite

6 - b) has

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