Task 1. Put the verbs into Present Continuous Tense or Present Simple (Поставь глаголы в Present simple or Present Continuous Tense) Usually I TV in the evening.(watch)

Jim many books.(read)

We apples now.(not, eat)

she tennis very well?(play)

He an English lesson now. (have)

I the dog every day. (walk)

you   a pizza at the moment? (cook)

My friend always home at 5 pm. (come)

I and my friend to the cinema once a week. (go)

Марриичка Марриичка    1   29.10.2020 13:56    0

Лейла786 Лейла786  28.11.2020 13:56
1)Usually I watch TV in the evening
2)Jim reads many books
3)We aren’t eating apples now
4)Is she playing tennis very well?
5)He is having an English lesson now
6)I walk the dog every day
7)Are you cooking a pizza at the moment?
8)My friend always comes home at 5pm
9)I and my friend are going to the cinema once a week
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