Task 1. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous :
1. What …..(you/do)now?
2. I …… (wait) for Dana.
3. Dina sometimes …… (play) tennis with her friends.
4. ….. (you/want) to go to the stadium with me today?
5. How often ….. ( she/go) to the dancing club?
6. …. (She/go) there twice a week.
7. My mum …..(watch) TV at the moment
8. and you, …… (like) to watch TV?
9. Why …… (he/hurry)?
10. He is late. His bus ……. (leave) at 10:00

Sowa2006 Sowa2006    2   12.08.2021 09:09    1

Nikitos228456 Nikitos228456  12.08.2021 09:10

1. What are you doing now?

2. I am waiting for Dana.

3. Dine sometimes play tennis with her friends.

4. Where do you want to go to the stadium with me today?

5. How often does she go to the dancing club?

6. She goes there twice a week.

7. My mum is watching TV at the moment.

8. and you, Do you like to watch TV?

9. Why does he hurry?

10. He is late. His bus leaves at 10:00


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