Task 1.

Прочитай текст. Отметь предложения (1—6), которые соответствуют содержанию текста.

Aunt and Niece

After her father died, Pollyanna came to her aunt, Miss Polly, to live with her. The girl was eleven years old. She was quite alone in the world. No father, mother or sisters. Miss Polly was forty. She had a wonderful house on the hill, she had money and lots of it, but she didn’t have any friends. She said she didn’t want any, she liked to be alone and have a quiet life. But now a little girl was coming to her place. Miss Polly understood what she had to do, but she wasn’t sure she liked it at all.

1. Pollyanna’s mother died.
2. The girl moved to her aunt’s house.
3. Pollyanna’s aunt was a very old woman.
4. Miss Polly didn’t have a family.
5. Miss Polly was a rich woman.
6. Miss Polly didn’t want to change her life, but she had to.

Task 2.
Напиши формы времени этих глаголов.

1. hug —
2. mean —
3. build —
4. stand —
5. find —
6. found —
7. can —
8. must —

Task 3.
Напиши перевод словосочетаний.

1. curly hair
2. straight hair
3. a stout lady
4. a round face
5. a slim lady
6. an oval face

Task 4.
В каждом случае напиши модальный глагол или структуру, которые подходят для той или иной ситуации.

1. Susan is talking to her teacher: (Can/May) I take this dictionary, please?
2. Susan is talking to her friend: (Can/May) I use your mobile, please?
3. Tomorrow, if the weather is fine, we (can/will be able to) go boating.
4. Are you sure that tomorrow Steve (will be able to/can) do it alone?
5. Last summer Jack (must/had to) work in the garden a lot.

Task 5.
Прочитай реплики (a—g) и впиши соответствующие буквы в начало или конец диалогов (1—7).

a) — You shouldn’t eat with your fingers.
b) — I know, and I mustn’t go out.
c) — No, you needn’t. There is much food at home.
d) — Oh, yes. She is always ready to help.
e) — Why do you have to get up so early?
f) — Was it? Did it rain all day?
g) — No, you mustn’t. It’s very cold today.

1. — Can I go and have a swim, Mum?
2. — Alice is such a nice and friendly girl.
3. . — I know, but there is no spoon here.
4. — The weather was terrible.
5. — If you are ill, you should stay in bed.
6. — Must I go shopping?
7. . — My classes begin at eight.

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