Task 1. образуйте предложения используя such и present perfect. wash/dirty dishes watch / terrible film play/ interesting game eat/ sweet candies recite / difficult poem task 2. past simple или present perfect? mark (buy) a new car last friday. you (ever) eat rabbit’s meat? what is it like? my mother already (finish) cooking the cake. molly says she never (be) here. you already (buy) the dictionary? task 3. form adverbs from the adjectives and use them in the sentences: cold, lazy, happy, brave, stylish my teachers always speak to me … this woman dresses … this athlete fought … but didn’t win. her grandfather lives … with his children. the man walked … in the street looking at the trees. task 4. translate these sentences from russian into english: эта пара уже вместе 10 лет, но они до сих пор бездетны. немой мальчик не мог объяснить продавцу, что он хотел купить. долина была бесконечной. манеры этого мужчины были неприятными. погода была прекрасная. небо было безоблачным. task 5. name the nationality: china russia england france canada holland the usa japan italy australia

SVETLANA098374 SVETLANA098374    2   07.09.2019 20:10    3

Superstylegir Superstylegir  06.10.2020 23:35
Task 1. 

I have washed these such dirty dishes.
I have watched such a terrible film.
I have played such an interesting game.
I have eaten such sweet candies.
I have recited such a difficult poem.

Task 2. 

Mark bought a new car last Friday. (Past Simple)
Have you ever eaten rabbit’s meat? (Present Perfect) What is it like?
My mother has already finished cooking the cake. (Present Perfect)
Molly says she has never been here. (Present Perfect)
Have you already bought the dictionary? (Present Perfect)

Task 3. 

My teachers always speak to me cold.
This woman dresses stylish.
This athlete fought brave but didn’t win.
Her grandfather lives happy with his children.
The man walked lazy in the street looking at the trees.

Task 4.

This couple has been together for 10 years and they stil don't have children.
The dumd boy couldn't explain to the seller what he wanted to buy.
The valley was endless.
This man's manners were nasty.
The weather was great. The sky was cloudless.

Task 5.

the USA-American
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