Task 1 Matching. “And now you can see the definitions of these extreme natural phenomena. Read and match. Five minutes at your disposal.”
Соотнести слово и дефиницию
1 A drought.
2 An avalanche
3 A hurricane.
4 A tornado.
5 An eruption.
6 An earthquake.
7 A flood.
a) a violent storm with extremely strong winds and heavy rains.
b) a sudden shaking movement of the ground
c) A period of time with no rain
d) A large mass of snow falling down the side of mountains
e) a large amount of water that covers an area that was dry before.
f) a process when a volcano explodes inside and flames, rocks and lava come out of the top.
g a very strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle or funnel

nazarzadorozhny nazarzadorozhny    3   24.02.2021 12:06    3

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