Task 1. Match the words from two columns/Составьте словосочетания. e.g. traffic H A warden
1 parking ….. B driver
2 traffic ….. C belt
3 yellow ….. D lanes
4 zebra ….. E crossing
5 racing ….. F lines
6 seat ….. G zone
7 bike ….. H signs
8 door ….. I handles

Task 2. Fill in the correct word.
park kerb watch left bike road lights car plane boat
1. Stand on the pavement, near the ….. .
2. His brother is very young. He can’t drive a ….. .
3. Can your father sail a ….. ?
4. That man is a pilot. He can fly a ….. .
5. Turn ….. into Green Street.
6. Always stop at the traffic ….. when they’re red.
7. My little sister can’t ride a ….. .
8. Don’t run from the pavement onto the ….. .
9. There’s a car coming. ….. out!
10. You can’t ….. your car here!
Task 3. Complete the sentences with the correct verb:
wave, push, look, wear, lean, talk, walk. Give the instructions.
e.g. When you enter the bus, don’t push others.
1. When you ride your bike,….. a bicycle helmet.
2. When in the car,….. out of the window.
3. When going to school, ….. on the pavement.
4. When on the bus, ….. from the window.
5. When on the bus, ….. to the driver.
6. When on the street, ….. both ways before crossing.
Task 4. Choose the correct preposition. /Выберите правильный предлог.
1. It isn’t dangerous to travel ….. plane.
A by B on C in
2. Be careful when you cross the street ….. foot.
A on B by C in
3. The supermarket isn’t far so I go ….. bike.
A in B by C on
4. When you travel ….. a bus, don’t annoy (раздражать) others.
A from B on C at
5. Never carry a second person ….. your bike.
A in B on C by
6. It’s safe to travel ….. train.
A on B by C in
7. Always wear a seat belt when you travel ….. a car.
A at B on C in
Task 5. Complete the sentences with can or can’t. /Вставьте сan или cant.
1. Katie is only four years old but she ….. write her name perfectly.
2. Mr Smith is seventy years old. He ….. see very well so he wears glasses.
3. You ….. talk to the driver when you’re on a bus.

4. Ann is from the USA. She ….. speak English.
5. You ….. visit the museum on Sunday. It is closed.
6. My sister is too little. She ….. cook.
7. You ….. cross the road when the light is green.
8. Helen and Bill love music. They both ….. play the piano.
9. Tom is only ten. He ….. fly a plane.
10. Tony ….. swim very well. He always comes first in the races.
Task 6. Match the responses from two columns. /Соотнесите реплики.
1. Is there a bank near here? A. No, you turn right.
2. Thank you very much. B. Yes, there’s one on the corner.
3. Do you know where the hotel is? C. Don’t mention it.
4. Is it far? D. Well, turn left and go straight on.
5. Do I turn left at the traffic lights? E. Yes, it’s next to the restaurant “Grand”.
6. Excuse me, how can I get to the theatre? F. Not really.

Task 7. Put the words in the correct order./Поставьте слова в правильной последовательности.
1. pavement / walk / on / the
2. parked / cross / between / don’t / cars
3. bicycle / always / wear / helmet / a
4. both / cross / ways / look / before / you / road / the
5. window / don’t / out / lean / of / the

rozhkoff rozhkoff    2   04.12.2020 11:42    3

румия2408 румия2408  03.01.2021 11:44


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