Task 1 . Make sentences using adjectives. ( big, small, beautiful, noisy, thin, ringing, folk, new, round)

Составьте предложения с прилагательными

Пример 1) The acoustic guitar is long.

Task 2.

Name degrees of adjectives from Task 1 and make sentences. ( big, small, beautiful, noisy, thin, ringing, folk, new, round)

Назовите степени прилагательных из Задания 1 и составьте предложения.

Big – bigger – the biggest.


The dog is big.

The cow is bigger than the dog.

The camel is the biggest.

weloyda weloyda    1   18.01.2021 14:40    0

t12345k t12345k  17.02.2021 14:41

Task 1.

My mom made a big cake for My birthday.

I can easily eat a Full small pizza.

A beautiful butterfly flew past me

My friends had a noisy time.

My dog brought me a thin stick.

There are ringing bells in front of me.

I love listening to folk songs.

I got a new phone.

I picked up a round object.

Task 2.

Small- smaller- smallest

You ara small.

You are smaller then me

My brother is the smallest in the family

Buautiful- more beautiful- most beautiful

The weather is beautiful.

This dress is more beautiful than Shorts

It's the most beautiful thing.

Noisy- noisier - noisiest

You're noisy today.

My brother is the noisier

It's the noisiest place I've ever seen.

Thin- thinner- thinnest

It's a thin stick

My waist is thinner than yours.

This piece of paper is the thinnest.

Ringing- more ringing- mist ringing

Ringing Bell.

Today the is more ringing, Than yesterday.

You're the most ringing, that's for sure.

Folk- more folk- most folk

It's a folk costume.

Songs more folk than this I have not heard.

This is the most folk dress similar to the original.


I have a new book

It's a newer lingerie than the old one.

It's the newest hit.


The Colobok is a round character

This object is rounder

It's the roundest ball.

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