Task 1. Look at the pictures and use the prompts to make type 0 conditional sentences.

mix / cocoa and milk • get / chocolate

4. mix / black and white • get / grey

2. boil / water • become / steam

Task 2. Complete the sentences using the type 1 conditional and the verbs below.
give have finish be not go win
1. If Peter comes back soon, we dinner together
2. If Tom doesn't go to Bella’s party, she angry.
3. If you have time tomorrow, you me a call?
4. If Dad, his work early, we will go for a walk.
5. If I first prize, I will go on a trip to Egypt.
6. If you to bed now, you will be tired tomorrow.

Task 3 . Put the verbs in brackets into the 2nd conditional.
1. If I (have) more free time, I would take up a hobby.
2. If Ben could, he (travel) all over the world.
3. If Simon (not/enjoy) reading, he wouldn’t buy so many books.
4. If I were you, I (study) harder.
5. If he (not/be) afraid, he would go bungee jumping.

Task 4. Complete the sentences with the 3rd conditional.
1. If they hadn’t left (leave) in such a hurry, they would have remembered to turn off the oven.
2. If she had read the book, she (not want) to watch the film.
3. If we(not wait) for them, they would not have known where to go.
4. If she(tell) me that story, I wouldn’t have believed her.
5. If you hadn’t had any money, they (pay) the bill?

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