Task 1. Listen to the recording and fill the words in the gaps. Tapescript
I love holidays. They are the best thing in (1)
The only problem is they are always too short. Even summer holidays at
school aren't (2)
I recently had an eight-week holiday and it flew by. It seems as though time goes quickly
when we are on holiday, and slowly when we are at school or work. I always really look forward to holidays - even (3)
are great. I live in a country that has many (4)
holidays, so there's always a break around the
corner. I feel (5)
for some workers who only get two or three weeks holiday a year. They can't do anything or go
anywhere. I love holidays even if I don't go away. Staying at home is just as good as going on holiday somewhere. Sometimes going
on holiday is (6)

Nihilagay Nihilagay    3   14.03.2021 12:42    2

AMeleschckina2 AMeleschckina2  13.04.2021 12:42

1. The world

2. long enough

3. One-day holidays

4. National

5. Sorry

6. Stressful.

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