Task 1.fill in the blanks with the following verbs: listen/listening, eat/eating, do/doing, stay/staying, wear/wearing, wait/waiting. 1. you can turn off the radio. i’m not … to it. 2.they didn’t … anything because they weren’t hungry. 3. what are you … this evening? - i’m … at home. 4. does she always … glasses? 5. my friends were … for me, when i arrived. task 2.choose the correct answer for each of the sentences: 1.if she …, she would tell him. a) knows b) knew 2.if these walls … thicker, we wouldn’t hear the neighbors. a) would be b) were 3.if you … me, i wouldn’t have known about the party. a) haven’t called b) hadn’t called 4.if you hadn’t asked me, i … it. a) would never have done b) didn’t do 5. i wish i …. play the guitar. a) could b) can 6. she wishes they …. happy. a) are b) were task 3. choose the correct modal verb for each of the sentences: 1.my younger brother is 7 and he … skate quickly. a) can b) will be able to c) could 2.pete missed a lot of classes and … pass the test yesterday. a) could b)can’t c) couldn’t 3.i don’t think he … to school, he is ill. a) will to go b) will be able to go c) will able to go task 4. turn the following sentences into reported speech using the words in brackets: 1.”you should be a doctor.” ( my teacher/advise) 2.”lock the door and go to bed.” ( my mother/ tell) 3.”don’t be afraid of this dog! it is not angry.” ( his dad/ tell) 4.”let’s go to the cinema.” ( my friend/ suggest)

nubjoper nubjoper    1   19.06.2019 06:10    1

tigranmesropyan tigranmesropyan  15.07.2020 16:08
1 - listening, 2 - eat, 3 - doing, staying, 4 - wear, 5 - waiying
1 - b, 2 - b, 3 - b, 4 -  a, 5 - a, 6 b
1 - a, 2 - c, 3 - 
1 -My teacher advised me to be a doctor. 2. My mother told me to lock the door and go to bed. 3. His dad told him not to be afraid of the dog It was not angry. 4. My friend suggested to go to the cinema 
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