Task 1. Choose the right answers: ( Fill in the gap) Zero Conditionals. 1. If you the water, it into ice *
a. freeze, turn
b. freeze, turns
c. freezes, turn
d. freezes, turn
2. I tired if I much. *

a. get, work
b. get, works
c. gets, works
d. get, works
3. If you plants, they . *

a. water, die
b. don’t water, dies
c. don’t water, die
d. didn’t water, don’t die
The First Conditionals. 4. If you ___ dinner, I the dishes. *

a. cook, wash
b. cook, washes
c. cook, will wash
d. will cook, wash
5. He a new car if he ___ a good job. *

a. will buy, gets
b. will buy, get
c. buy, will get
d. buys, will gets
6. If you her some flowers, she happy *

a. give, is happy
b. give, will be happy
c. gives, will be happy
d. will give, will be happy
Gerund or Infinitive. 7. I prefer detective stories. *

a. read
b. reading
c. to read
d. to reading
8. I offered for the meal, but she refused. *

b. paying
c. to pay
d. pays
9. I remember to Venice as a child. *

b. to go
c. going
d. goes

Task 2. Read the text and use the given information in the story to answer the questions below. How I spent my summer vacation.My summer vacations this year were interesting and memorable. Every day was filled with events.In June, together with classmates, we went to a camp. I liked the camp very much. We played sports games, competed in various sports, took part in various competitions. In the evenings, we went to the disco. I enjoyed discos as I like music and dancing. I made a lot of new friends and got to know my classmates better than at school.When I returned home after the camp, together with my parents we went to the Crimea to have a rest by the sea. We stayed in a nice hotel in Feodosia. I really liked the stony beaches, blue sea, and numerous excursions. Mom and Dad allowed me to scuba dive and I saw the life of the seabed. I also visited the water park, made trips on a motor ship, and rode horses. My rest by the sea was unforgettable.In August, I went to the country to visit my grandparents. I have many friends in the village where my grandparents live and we spent time together. We went swimming and fishing.My summer holidays fly surprisingly fast. Now the school year has just begun, but I'm already waiting for new vacations, new impressions and new friends.
Мой ответ
1. Where did they go in June? *

A. a camp
B. a coffee bar
C. a club
D. a shop
2. Where did they go after he returned home after the camp? *

A. Australia
B. Borovoe
C. the Crimea
D. Egypt
3. What did Mom and Dad allow him to do in Feodosia? *

A. to drive
B. to scuba dive
C. to sunbathe
D. to wash
4. How the author described his rest by the sea? *

A. boring
B. unforgettable
C. not interesting
D. disgusting
5. Who did they visit in August? *

A. classmates
B. friends
C. grandparents
D. neighbours
6. What did they do in the country during the holidays? *

A. swimming and diving
B. swimming and gathering
C. swimming and fishing

fgggg2qq fgggg2qq    3   20.05.2021 12:08    1

egorsinitsyn9Egor egorsinitsyn9Egor  19.06.2021 12:11

task 1

1 b

2 a

3 c

4 c

5 a

6 b

7 b

8 c

9 c

task 2

1 a

2 c

3 b

4 b

5 c

6 c

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