Take off your shoes before going into the kitchen; Mum (sweep) just the floor.
2) The only thing left to do is (dust) the furniture, and then the house will be ready for tonight’s party.
3) Timmy likes (help) around the house, but he hates having (take) the rubbish out every night.
4) I don’t know how Samantha manages (do) the ironing so fast; it takes me an hour just to iron two shirts!
5) Messy people find it difficult (keep) their rooms tidy.

1) Jane (do) the ironing yet, because she’s too busy.
2) Mrs. Jones (make) the beds before she gets on with the chores around the house.
3) I find it so difficult (keep) my room tidy! It’s always messy.
4) Don’t come in here with your dirty shoes! 5) I (sweep) the floor right now.
6) Lisa and Nathan (make) just dinner, and they (wash) the dishes.

TanyaCat225 TanyaCat225    1   21.04.2020 10:15    31

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