іть пліс♡♡♡ ів❗ 1 Order the words to make polite requests
and responses.
1 borrow / eraser /l/ your / can/?
Can I borrow your eraser?
2 can't/ you/ sorry,
3 it/l/ sorry, / need
4 some / have / please /l/ water, / can/?
5 no / yes, / problem
6 tell / can/ number / your / me/ phone / you/?
7 just / second / OK, / a
8 help / computer / with / can/ my / you/ me/?
9 course / yes, / of
10 it / I'm / sorry, / using​

Юра754 Юра754    2   18.04.2021 18:09    3

Anopsis Anopsis  18.04.2021 18:10

2. Sorry, you can't.

3. Sorry, I need it.

4. Can I have some water, please?

5. Yes, no problem.

6. Can you tell me your phone number?

7. OK, just a second.

8. Can you help me with my computer?

9. Yes, of course.

10. Sorry, I'm using it.

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