Іть будь ласка! мені потрібниий текст з .мови про мій улюблений вид транспорту це літак (10 речень) в долгу не останусь. бажано з перекладом

MackTraher MackTraher    1   17.09.2019 13:50    0

dilnoza55 dilnoza55  07.10.2020 21:54
There are many types of transport in the world. My favorite type of transaopt is a plane. I'm traveling if that plane is the right choice. It's much easier and more comfortable to travel than by train or by car. It's the safest form of transport in the world. Recently I myself flew for the border to Egypt on the plane.Polit lasted 4 hours.I flown there with my family and Cousin Tom.He also loves to travel on an airplane.We turned our home also on the plane.
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