Ть 1) a ne ws paper a) i a is alarge thin book with a paper cover, dten prirted on shi ny paper, whi ch cont a ns st cries artides phot ographs, and som dim es also ne ws. ws. 2) sunday paper b) is all the ar gani zati ons that are invol ved in provi di ng inf orm aionto 3) local paper )magazi ne jour nal he public especi ally newspapers tdevision and radi o i c a serious m agazi ne on parti cul ar subj ect, cont ai ni ng arti d es by uni ver sity eachers sci ertists doct rs, ac d) i d) lists df films l ays and ot her everts vith det aals of the tim es, dat es, and aces where they will happen e) i e) aset of large fd ded sheets of paper cont ai ri ng ne ws artid es, pictures, whi ch s rirted and sol d every day or every week i f) a ne wspaper that gi ves ne ws m arly about the town or area where it is to the press

Пакмен007 Пакмен007    3   09.04.2019 20:34    3

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