Сязыком. 1 - put the verbs in present perf. cont.: 1. max this comic book. (not to read) 2. how long french? (they to learn) 3. i for two months now. (not to drive) 4. she the whole morning (to walk) 5. who in the qarden? (to dig) 2 - put the verbs in past perf. cont. or past simple: 1. they (chat) for over 2 hours. 2. i (wait) there for ages. 3. brianna (sit) there for 20 minutes before the doctor called her name. 4. you (work) there for several years before you (quit) your job. 5. they (jog) for a while before they (get) tired. 6. i (wait) for the bus for 10 minutes then it (arrive). 3 - put the verbs in future perf. cont.: 1. by midnight, you (dance) for 4 hours. 2. by dinner, she (cook) the whole afternoon. 3. he (work) there for 10 years by 2015. 4. by next year, i (study) english for 7 years. 5. by next week, we (renovate) for over a month. translate the sentences using perfect cont. tenses: 1. к концу следующего месяца я буду изучать право 6 лет. 2. я писал письмо уже 2 часа, когда мой брат вернулся с работы. 3. к тому моменту, как мы его разбудили, он спал 12 часов. 4. она учит французский уже 11 лет.

Максим56065 Максим56065    1   27.07.2019 16:20    3

Юлия0753 Юлия0753  03.10.2020 14:30
Hasn't been reading
have they been learning
haven't been driving
has been walking
has been digging

had been chatting
had been waiting
had been sitting
had been jogging, got
had been waiting, arrived

will have been dancing
will have been cooking
will have been working
will have been studying
will have been renovating

by the end of next month i will have been learning right for 6 years
i had been writting the letter for 2 hours when my brother came from work
to the moment we waked him up he had been sleeping for 12 hours
she has been studying french for 11 years
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