Survival (тест)
1. Find a synonim to the word combination "juicy creepy-crawlies" *
1 crispy bugs
2 yummy insects
3 dried spiders

2.Is it wisely to turn your nose up of eating insects if you're lost in the jungle? Why?

3.For what purpose should you use a stick in the jungle? *

4.What would you put in yor first aid kit?

5.Why should you be careful about tropical storms while in the jungle? *

6.How can you signal for help with a piece of glass? *

7.Select some necessary things for a hiking tour. Then add 2-3 your own variants. *
1 briefcase
2 insect repellent
3 umbrella
4 broken bottle
5 first aid kit
6 map
7 Другое:

8.Find a synonim to the word "shelter" *
1 asylum
2 part
3 adventure

artem24322004 artem24322004    1   14.05.2020 19:29    0

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