Supply the Past Indefinite Tense or the Past Continuous Tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. (you watch) television when I (phone) you?

2. Ann (wait) for me when I (arrive).

3. I (break) a plate last night. I (do) the washing-up when it (slip) out of my hand. 4. We (go out) because it (rain).

5. What (you do) at this time yesterday?

6. I __ (see) Helen at the party. She (wear) a really beautiful dress.

7. She (cry) in her room all the evening yesterday.

8. It (begin) to rain when we (watch) TV.

9. Jane (have) dinner when her friend (call). 10. When the teacher (enter) the classroom the pupils (talk).

olya2399 olya2399    1   22.03.2021 15:57    1

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