Summative assessment of the term 2 Grade 9 date
Grammar.Taski Open brackets in conditionals
1 Learners (be) amused, If they (know) the meaning of the word (1st)
2 My brother (buy) a car, If he (eam) his wage.(2nd)
3 Developed countries (support), If poor countries (ask) them a help. (310)
Task2. Choose
1 Thief broke out/into the bank last night.
2 My little sister breaks away/down my watch.
3 Students ought to look for/over the materials to the exams.
4 You should look after/out for the rule to do this task.
Task3. Wish in present and past
1) I wish she (help) her mother to cook.(but she doesn`t)
2) I wish he (be) in that party( but he didn't).
Listening. Task 3. Fill the gaps, ONE word is EXTRA

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