Task 1. Read the text carefully.

Mary’s family.
Mary is ten years old. She is from Dorset. Her hair is long and brown. She has got brown eyes. She has got a cat and a dog. Their names are Pat and Flutty. Pat, the dog has got a small house in the garden. Mary’s cat, Fluffy is 3 years old.
Mary’s brother is Nick. He has got a horse. Its name is Lightning. Nick always cares about his horse. He feeds it and gives some sweets.They like pets. They say that pets are their friends.

True or false. Choose the correct answer.
1. Mary has got a spider. True False
2. Nich has got a sister. True False
3. Mary has got two pets. True False
4. They like playing with pets. True False
5. Mary’s brother is Nick.

Answers to the following questions:
1. How many pets has the family got?
2. Has the family got a garden?
3. Where is the family from?
4. Who is Nick?
5. What’s name is Nick’s horse?​

Polina4645 Polina4645    1   07.12.2020 07:54    2

Farpli Farpli  07.12.2020 08:00

9 the boys and girls

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