Summative Assessment for the Unit “Hot and cold” Name Grade 4

Task 1. Read and choose. Underline only the necessary word (прочитай и выбери. Затем подчеркни только нужное слово из двух предложенных)


The word “Volcano” comes 0. from/of the name Vulcan, the Roman god of fire. One in 20 people 1. lived/live near an active volcano. Most of all the volcanoes on Earth are in the “Ring of Fire” in 2. -/the Pacific Ocean. Not all volcanoes 3. is/are on land. Some are 4. under/above the oceans. The biggest volcano we 5. knowing/know about is on the planet Mars. It is called Olympus Mons and it is 600 km. wide and 21 km. high.

Task 2. Write “must”, “mustn’t” and “have to” (запиши на месте пропусков “must”, “mustn’t” и “have to”)

You mustn’t climb trees.
You to take a whistle, a sleeping bag and a tent with you.
You cook on a camp stove.
You go near wild animals.
You keep your food in a cool box.
You to take our first-aid kit with you.
You pick flowers and take eggs from birds’ nests.

Task 3. Much the sentences to the words. Write your answer under the table (соедини предложения с подходящими словами. Запиши свой ответ внизу под таблицей)

When a lot of water covers an area of dry land.


A loud noise and a bright light in the sky when there is
a storm.

Strong wind that spins round and round very fast.

c. hail

A ball of snow that is coming down a mountain very fast.


Small balls of ice that fall from the sky.

and lightning

a, 1. ___, 2. ___, 3. ___, 4. ___.

Task 4. Complete (дополни)

Can I open the door?
Yes, you can.
Can you bring your fishing rod?
No, I can’t.
Can I walk alone here?
Yes, .
Can we go to the party tomorrow?
No, .
Can you collect the firewood?
Yes, .

Balans456 Balans456    1   09.03.2021 15:18    184

daryaaleksandr2 daryaaleksandr2  19.01.2024 10:53
Task 1:
1. The word "Volcano" comes from the name Vulcan, the Roman god of fire. One in 20 people live near an active volcano. Most of all the volcanoes on Earth are in the "Ring of Fire" in the Pacific Ocean. Not all volcanoes are on land. Some are above the oceans. The biggest volcano we know about is on the planet Mars. It is called Olympus Mons and it is 600 km wide and 21 km high.

Explanation: In this task, you need to read the sentences and choose the correct word by underlining it. For example, in the sentence "One in 20 people lived/live near an active volcano," you should choose "live" because it is the correct verb form in this context.

Task 2:
1. You mustn't climb trees.
2. You have to take a whistle, a sleeping bag, and a tent with you.
3. You must cook on a camp stove.
4. You mustn't go near wild animals.
5. You have to keep your food in a cool box.
6. You have to take our first-aid kit with you.
7. You mustn't pick flowers and take eggs from birds' nests.

Explanation: In this task, you need to complete the sentences by writing the correct modal verb in the blank. For example, in the sentence "You mustn't climb trees," you should write "mustn't" because it means that it is forbidden to climb trees.

Task 3:
a. When a lot of water covers an area of dry land - flood
b. A loud noise and a bright light in the sky when there is a storm - thunder and lightning
c. Strong wind that spins round and round very fast - tornado
d. A ball of snow that is coming down a mountain very fast - avalanche
e. Small balls of ice that fall from the sky - hail

Explanation: In this task, you need to match the sentences with the appropriate words by writing the corresponding number next to the word. For example, "When a lot of water covers an area of dry land" matches with "flood."

Task 4:
1. Can I open the door?
- Yes, you can.

2. Can you bring your fishing rod?
- No, I can't.

3. Can I walk alone here?
- Yes, you can.

4. Can we go to the party tomorrow?
- No, we can't.

5. Can you collect the firewood?
- Yes, I can.

Explanation: In this task, you need to complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb "can." For example, in the sentence "Can I open the door?", the answer is "Yes, you can" because it is allowed to open the door.
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