Summative assessment for the unit «Daily Life and Shopping 24 Form: 8 Date: 18.10.2021y Nam Rea Name and surname: Reading (Total: 4 points) Tas don cre ho SC w bi h Task 1. Read the article. Who was Steve Jobs? Do you have an iPad, iPod, iPhone, a smartwatch or a Mac computer? If you don't, you probably know someone who has one (or wants one)! Steve Jobs made the company - Apple - that created these things that are now such an important part of the lives of millions of people. He was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California. When he was a boy, he had a special hobby: he liked to take apart televisions and put them back together again. He was a very good student in school and even skipped a grade. After he finished grade four, he went into grade six, and in 1972, when he was seventeen, he graduated from high school. He then began his studies in Reed College, in Portland, Oregon, but dropped out after six months. Deciding to quit was not at all easy. It was difficult, but as Jobs later said, “I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life." Two years later in 1974, he travelled to India, and while there he leamed about Buddhism After Steve Jobs returned to the United States, he found a job as a video game designer at a company called Atan, and two years after that, in 1976, when he was only twenty-one years old, he created his own company - Apple Computer - with his friend, Steve Wozniak. Steve Jobs later got married in 1991 and had four children. Unfortunately, doctors discovered that he had cancer in 2003 and in 2011 he died at the age of only 56. Answer the questions to the text (each answer gives 1 point) 1) Who was Steve Jobs? 2) Why didn't he study at grade five? 3) Why didn't he finish the college? 4) Why did Steve Jobs die? Use of English: Total 4 points Task 2: Open the brackets in Present Perfect Tense: 1) I (to download) music or films from the internet. 2) My sister (not to create) her personal webpage. 3) they (to do) the presentation for next lesson? 4) My friend to use) a webcam to speak to me. Writing (Total: 4 points) Task 2. Write an essay “Intemet in my daily life". You should write your essay according to the plan and use new words from your topical vocabulary. Add some sentences in the Present Perfect Tense. Plan of an essay 1. What is an internet? 2. How often do you use internet? What options do you use? 3. How do you use internet at school? 4. Have you ever had any problems in internet? 5. How can you protect your computer?

Summative assessment for the unit «Daily Life and Shopping 24 Form: 8 Date: 18.10.2021y Nam Rea Name

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