Summative Assessment for the Term IV Grade 6


Choose the correct answer: a, borc.

0 There are too many in this city. People should walk or cycle instend. A) cyclists b) motorists c) tourists

I There isn't a bridge over the river so we have to take a) ferry b) cruise c) motorway

2 You should got to the at least two hours before your flight. a) coach b) petrol stntion c) airport

3 We have to get the coach at 7 am for our school trip, then we'll drive for two hours! a) in b) on e) off

4 You have to wait at the until they change to green, a)traffic lights b) roundabout e) motorway

5 Jo loves music. She wants to be a in a band, n) guitar b)guitars c) guitarist


II. Reading Rend the posts on phobias

0. Ralph. I don't know why, but I don't really like it when planes fly above me. It's silly, I know, but I always think they might fall on me - which of course they never do!

1. Melanie: I've always been really scared of travelling by plane, although I know it's a really safe way to travel. I'm lucky because Mum and Dad understand how I feel. But my grandparents live hundreds of miles away, and I refuse to fly, we always have to travel by car or train, which takes a really long time. But they never complain.

2. Dan: I think mine is a really stupid phobia as I'm quite good at swimming. But for some reason I'm just terrified of boats. I'm going on holiday to Mexico soon, and there's a really cool secret beach that you can only get to by boat, but there's no way I'll be able to do that until I can forget my phobia and that's impossible.

3. Like: I'm frightened ofthe dark, so I really don't like travelling through tunnels. I think it comes from when I was a child and my older brother watched horror movies in the dark. And unfortunately I watched them too and then of course I couldn't sleep.

4. Adam: I've only got one real phobia. I got stuck in a small lift once. It was at an underground station so it was really busy, but no one there noticed that the lift wasn't working. At first everyone inside was quite calm but as time went on, people started to get a bit nervous. In fact, I wasn't in it for long - but now I'll always use the stairs, just in case!

5. Sally I have a real fear of hot air balloons, Luckily I never have to travel in one so it's not something l ever have to worry about! It's because you can't really see anything keeping them in the air I think. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?

O Ralph can't explain why he feels uncomfortable around planes. F

1 Melanie's family are unhappy that they can't travel in the way they want.

2 Dan's phobia means there is a place he can't visit

3 Lisa's phobia started when she was small.

4 Adam has a fear of busy places,

5 Sally's doesn't affect her life,


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