Summative assessment for the 3rd term8 gradeReadingTask.Read the text carefully. Three sentences are missing in the text. Choose from the sentences A-D the one which fits each gap 1-3. There is one sentence that you do not need.ButterfliesButterflies areassigned to insects as well as mosquitos, dragonflies, ants, beetles, etc. Their circle of life is stable and short. 1).Eggs are usually attached to tree leaves with a natural bio-glue because when larva pips it needs to eat, and most of them are plant eaters. Butterflies prefer to feed on flowers nectar and do it by feet, because their taste receptors are situated there.One of the main features of a butterfly is an amazing beauty of its wings. 2) .Most of these insects have wings with bright and unique pattern on it. Color is very important point for all insects and plays a great part in their lives, because it helps to attract, hide or warn of danger.It is recognized that butterfly flight speed-limit is 12 miles per hour, but some of them might be extremely fast and fly 25 miles per hour.According to scientists’ research there are approximately 20000 different species of butterfly and this variety impresses. 3). A)It has 4 colored wings. B)In contrast to other insects, they couldn’t be used as food or provide products and medicines we use, but they support the life cycle of numerous beautiful flowers.C)It consists of five parts: egg, larva, chrysalis, adulthood and death.D)Butterflies use their feet to feed

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