Summative assessment for module 3 "our countryside". grade 6. term 2.
task 1. listen to the story and choose the correct option.
the chicken and the duck were friends. they lived on a farm. they walked around together.
they swam in the pond together. they talked about many things. they talked about the cat. the
thought the cat was tricky. they thought the cat was dangerous. the cat looked at them a lot.
they didn't trust the cat. "we must always keep our eyes open when the cat is around," they bo
agreed. they talked about the dog. the dog was very friendly. the dog wanted to play. the do
had lots of energy. it barked a lot. it ran around a lot. they both liked the dog. they talked abou
the farmer. the farmer brought them food. the farmer took care of them. the farmer took care
of all the animals. he fed the cow. he fed the pig. he fed the goat. he fed the sheep. he fed the
rabbit. they liked the farmer. he took good care of everyone. he was a nice man. "farmers are
good," said the chicken. "we need farmers." said the duck.
example: the chicken and the duck were friends/enemies.
1. the speaker tells the story about farm friends / city friends.
2. the speaker says that the cat is a good animal / a bad animal.
3. the speaker is sure that the dog is friendly/ angry.
task 2. listen to the second time and complete the sentences.
1. in the beginning the chicken and the duck are speaking about the
2. the second animal they speak about is the
3. at the end of the story they speak about the
task 3. open the brackets using the present perfect tense.
1. i_ _(not do) my homework.
2. oh, no! i_ (lose) my money!
3. where's alison? we (not see) her since yesterday,
4. dad (not take) a holiday since last august
5. john (not play) the violin since he was school.
6. dad, you_ (eat) my biscuit!
task 4. дополните предложения словами fоr u since. complete the
sentences. use for or since.
1. i've lived in washington 1 997.
2. ben has studied english three years.
3. they haven't visited their grandparents_ months.
4. julie's ill. she's been in bed
5. we haven't seen tom sunday:
6. it's been ten years_ we moved to oxford,​

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