SUGGESTION MEASURE THIS WONDER EVIDENT MOBILIZE PROCESS ASSOCIATE RELY SKILLFUL DEEP CONSIDER IMAGE PARTICULAR TECHNOLOGY REVISIT Language skills vs. tools Language has conventionally been 0. regarded as a highly complex skill, 1. specific brain networks. However, in recent years, scientists 2. this idea. Research 3. that brain areas, which control certain linguistic functions, such as the 4. of word meanings, are also involved in controlling fine motor 5. However, brain imaging had not provided 6. of such links between language and the use of tools. Paleo-neurobiology has also shown that the brain regions Z. with language had increased in our ancestors during periods of 8. boom, when the use of tools became more widespread. | When considering this data, research teams couldn't help 9. : what if the use of certain tools, which involves complex movements, 10. on the same brain resources as 11. mobilized in complex linguistic functions such as syntax? In 2019, a collaboration of French researchers discovered that individuals who are 12. proficient in the use of tools were also better at handling the finer points of Swedish syntax. In order to explore the subject in greater 13. ___, the same team, in collaboration with a different researcher, developed a series of experiments that relied on brain 14. techniques (MRI) and behavioral 15.

MorFeyrka MorFeyrka    1   16.01.2022 01:13    5

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