Substitute the following definitions with the words given below. unlimited liabllity, limited liabllity, legal entity, sole proprietorship, partnership 1 .non -incorporated business with unlimited liabllity owned Ьу one person who may or may not have employees. 2.non-incorporated business formed Ьу the association oftwo or more persons (Ьut not more than twenty) who share risk and profits according to а partnership agreement. that may make contracts, carry out businesses, own property, employ people and is сараЫе of suing and being sued for the breach of contract. law according to which shareholders are responsiЫe for the company's debt only to the amount unpaid on their shares. law according to which owners are responsiЫe for company's debt to the lull extent oftheir fortune.

kira1321 kira1321    3   10.06.2020 09:53    2

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