Student's book p.84 ex3 Представьте что вы работаете в группе по защите окружающей среды. Составьте 5 предложений о важности не покупки нелегальныхсувениров. Используйте should/shouldn't

You shouldn't buy bracelets and necklacesmade from ivory, because in that way you

support poachers who kill elephants.

даша7642269 даша7642269    3   11.03.2021 17:16    0

ученик22826 ученик22826  10.04.2021 17:19

1) You should not buy bouquets of rare plants, because this can lead to serious consequences.

2) You should protect nature!

3) You should sort garbage into garbage cans, this way you will save nature.

4) You shouldn't buy too many plastic bottles, so you can fix the environmental problem with plastic!

5) You should not buy the skins of rare animals, because you need to protect nature and she will reciprocate.



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