Stressed out? Try T’ai Chi. When you have many thing/things to do and no time to do them all, the
result is often stress. Stress is a part of modern living. It is bad for your
mind/minds and bad for your body/bodies. T'ai Chi is good way to reduce
What is T'ai Chi?
T’ai Chi is an old Chinese form of exercise/exercises. The movements
increase the energy/energies inside you, or your chi'.
How does it work?
The exercise/exercises in T'ai Chi are very slow and controlled. When you do
T'ai Chi, you think only of the movement/movements and your breathing.
Energy moves inside your body and become stronger and calmer - and less
Who can do T'ai Chi?
People/peoples of all/every ages. You don't have to be very strong and you
don't need any special equipment/equipments. Wear comfortable cloth/clothes
and comfortable shoes or you can do it without shoes.

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